Maximum copy resolution: 600 x 1200 DPI. Scanning: Color scanning
Optical scanning resolution: 1200 x 2400 DPI. Faxing: Color faxing. Duplex functions: Copy
Scan. Maximum ISO A-series paper size: A4. Wi-Fi. Direct printing. Product color: White
Epson WorkForce Pro EM-C800RDWF
Color printing
4800 x 1200 DPI
Direct printing
High productivity, low intervention
A fast FPOT of 4.8 seconds from ready mode and single-pass duplex scan increase productivity. Print up to 50,000 pages (mono) and 20,000 pages (colour) without changing supplies. A paper capacity of up to 1,830 sheets (3 x optional 500 sheet cassettes) means less time spent refilling paper. Print speeds of 25ppm and 60 ipm duplex scan speed, make this an ideal sprinter for a wide range of industry sectors: from healthcare to education.
Heat-Free printing technology
Built with efficiency in mind, EM-C800RDWF offers low power consumption. By switching to Heat-Free printing technology, which uses no heat in the ink ejection process, you can save energy, time and reduce intervention.
Low running costs
High ink-yields lower the need to order and replace supplies frequently, help to deliver predictable print costs and a competitive TCO. Lower costs of servicing and intervention making this a reliable and attractive choice for businesses. Low power consumption delivers much needed savings.
Solutions that are built for business
With workflow and security, fleet management and remote services, Epson Solutions Suite has you covered. Easy remote diagnosis with Epson Remote Services, Epson Print Admin (EPA) to aid your print security requirements all boost additional functionality.